Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Making the Most Out of Maybe

Hello again, readers.
I realize it's been a long while, but nothing much had changed* in my life. I didn't have any inspiration, no tidbits I thought would help other young journalists.
Then I realized - maybe that was the point.

Many times in your life you don't find inspiration, but you keep working all the same.
You have to make the most out of "maybe."

In your educational career, you always know exactly what you're working toward.
"I want to pass calculus."
"I want to get enough credits to move on to my junior year."
"I'm getting a degree in broadcasting."
There's a clear goal. And, if you're like me, who appreciates logic, planning or organization, you probably have a timeline to get there. The classes you need to take, the skills you need to learn.

Thus entered my professional career.
I knew where I wanted to be (producing full-time in a place I could call home), but I didn't know how to get there. There's no set test you have to pass. And you can't make a timeline when you don't know when jobs will open up.

So, my advice - just keep plugging away. Don't count on getting what you want when you want.
All you can do is impress your superiors. Convince them they should keep you around, that you're a good enough employee they'll want to work with you in the future and promote you if something comes up.
But don't count on anything ever coming up.

Make peace with "maybe." Don't get upset if you're in the same position for awhile. If you are upset, start looking elsewhere, but never turn your back on your current employer. Give them your all in the meantime, and they just may be willing to acknowledge you deserve a better position, even if it's not with them. Glowing recommendations always help. It's a small industry.

That's all I have for now! Good luck, young journalists, and keep up the hard work.

* I say "had changed" because I have since gone full-time at my current company, and I couldn't be more thrilled! But I'll never think such opportunity or good-timing is typical.

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