Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why am I here again?

After reading some recent complaints about how journalists conduct themselves (both at work and on my connections' Facebooks), I felt obliged to prepare you all for something I wasn't anticipating when I got into this business.

When you tell people you work in news (or if the news business comes up in conversation), there are generally two reactions:
1) They begin to gush over how glamorous it must be.
2) They rail on how the news industry is full of liars and people with no respect for privacy and/or authority and is run by big corporations that own multiple channels and control the events/news in the world.

So, I want to offer some perspective, both to remind you why you're still in it when the going gets tough and in case anyone of the former 2 opinions decides to read this post.

First off, it's not all glamor. If you think you want to get into the news industry because of the shiny reporters and the sensationalized reports of scandal and change and kids who saved an entire apartment building during a fire, you may want to rethink your career.

Most days, it's "mundane" stories, like road construction or fast food robberies. To concede to #2ers, yes, we are gatekeepers of the news. We decide what is published, but we don't create it. We don't make up news and generally, most journalists aren't looking to create conflicts. Sure, we all love a juicy controversy, but we didn't create those arguments; we just report them.

Second, we are a business. While I (and hopefully, most journalists) try to be ethical in my news-gathering, I won't deny that we're also there to provide a money-making service. (But believe me, young journalists, you shouldn't be in it for the money.) Our service is to inform the general public of things we deem "newsworthy." Unless you've taken journalism classes, you probably don't know what would qualify, and I'll let you in on a secret - sometimes I don't either.
This is why I love viewer feedback. I don't know who's watching what I write. I honestly get frustrated when I catch an error later, and no one called me out on it because I then think no one's watching or no one cares about our accuracy. Often, we only get negative feedback that's anything but constructive. I want people to say what stories they enjoyed or want to know more about. If people are going to attack our coverage, saying we don't cover what they want or "ignore" things, then they better be just as prepared to tell us what they want. I can't repair a problem if I don't know it exists.
Usually, we get our information from professionals. Sometimes, we do get tips from viewers, but generally, it's press releases from PR reps or public information officers. We don't control the information they give us, and they, too, are just doing their jobs to provide information, so why should we be judged for relaying it and trying to make a living off it?

Third, larger organizations generally mean more security. Most Americans work to be able to support themselves. They strive to achieve the American dream and think American industry is strong, but many people somehow expect journalists to be independent of that "industry" mindset. They think we lose our independence if we're part of a media conglomeration. In reality, in this economy, it's all part of security, both for the news outlet and for the journalist. So, journalists, don't be ashamed for "selling out" by joining an outlet owned by a larger company. You're working for a business, just like everyone else. News-gathering is your job. You often have access to better resources, and thus can create better reports, if you have a mother company to back you up.

Lastly, you should never be ashamed of your job. No matter how many angry posts, calls, emails or letters you get, just remember- You have just as much a right to support yourself as a journalist as you do in any other field. I'm not saying if you mess up, you don't deserve some criticism. I'm just saying, don't think you picked the wrong field or you're screwing up just because someone else (who doesn't understand how you work) says he/she doesn't respect you. They generally are in no place to make that assessment, and you shouldn't read too far into it. If you're feeling really optimistic, and they're willing to listen, let them know how outlets function. Don't let them continue to view the media as some secretive, evil business. We strive for transparency and accuracy, so do your job-  inform the public. Make them see we're humans, too, and yes, that also means we're imperfect, too.

Remember- we're not in it for the glamor, money or public appreciation. We're in it to bring light to the darkness and inform the public about the world around them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pro-tip from a Frugal Fashionista

I want to preface this post with a disclaimer, so here you go.

DISCLAIMER: I firmly believe journalists should remain objective in their reporting and independent in their jobs. However, I also believe that journalists do have a personal life and beliefs, and I'm completely fine with them having a bias as long as they're transparent about it. There you go. I clearly do believe this because I just stated my own beliefs on a journalistic blog.

As a human being, I believe in 2 things when conducting my life:
1) The green/natural movement. I'm a big fan of natural energy (solar, wind, water, etc.) and natural foods (avoid the processed meat!). I want to leave a tiny carbon footprint.
2) Helping other people/the environment with my choices. I don't like to exhaust resources, and I'm a sucker for giving money to people or causes that help other people. (Just ask me about my two favorite solo musical artists right now.)

Having said that, I must make a case to all of you young journalistas...or listos, if you're male...? Either way, it's all inclusive.

If your journalism classes are anything like mine, you know our future is iffy at best. There are dozens of applicants for one position - a position that may not even be around in a few years. We want to have an edge - in the newsroom, at networking events and during the interview.

To get said edge, appearance is key. If no one has stressed this to you yet, allow me to do so now, as my mentors did. "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."

Now I know what you're thinking- "Uh, Rachel, that's all fine and dandy to say, but eventually, I want to be an executive. I can't blow my part-time job's paychecks that I need for rent on a nice wardrobe." And I totally agree. Believe me. And I don't even pay rent!

My secret? THRIFTING.

I know. I know. That's below you. All the thrift stores are full of '80s pant suits and ugly Christmas sweaters. Plus, the clothes are ratty and possibly infested with bed bugs. Only dead-beat parents on welfare shop there. I've heard it all.

But you know who donates to thrift stores? Often the middle and upper classes. Heck, MY family donates to them when we outgrow things.

But I also buy clothes from them. I'm a self-proclaimed Goodwill addict. (I actually preferred the Village Discount Outlet, but that's now sadly closed.)

Let's get off your high horse and do the math for a second...
Typical work week is 5 days, so you'll need a different shirt for each day. $20 each at a cheap brand-name store...or a sale. $100.
And you'd literally be wearing the SAME shirts every week. Not so good for keeping a professional reputation.
Compare to thrifting. My Goodwill shirts are generally $5 each. That's $25 per week of clothes. This week, I managed to buy some items half-price as part of a manager's special. $12.50 per week of clothes. At least one shirt still had its original tag. (The original version of regifting clothes you didn't want.) Many items were name brands I could never afford otherwise. I've bought New York & Company, Gap, Express, etc.
Plus, I didn't have to exhaust more resources or labor creating a new shirt, AND my money goes to a good cause.
For the record, I also have gotten multiple compliments at work for having "cute outfits" or looking "extra-dressy/classy today." Yeah, that's right. People usually can't tell the difference. Win-win.

So, to conclude, pro-tips for thrifting:
- Check store websites for special promotions. If you're going to stretch your dollars, better make it count.
- Before you go, decide what you're looking for. There will be a TON of racks to go through that are often only vaguely organized, so I'd recommend only looking for a few choice pieces that coordinate with pieces you already own.
- Check quality! Sometimes pieces DO have small holes, ripped stitching or missing buttons that either workers don't catch or apparently don't care about.
- Try everything on. Thrift stores are just like any other store. Some things look good on you; others don't.

I've let you in on my secret. I hope it keeps you fabulous! Happy thrifting!