Monday, December 10, 2012

It's Not About the Title...'s about the experience.

I want this blog post to be short. I know, it's a rarity for me.

Basically, my message today is to not be discouraged by your current job, if it's in your field but not really where you want to be.

When I took my first job out of school, one of my professors actually told me to look for something else. He knew I wanted to write the news, not be working in production, but I was willing to take my chances.

Although production was my job description, I didn't let that stop me from learning more. I started out writing some web stories and rather quickly moved into a position as an associate producer.

Before I got hired as an AP, I was filling in as one, under my title of PA. Even if I hadn't eventually gotten the job, I realized no one could take away what I'd learned while filling in. No matter where I went from there, I'd still have the new skills I picked up that could help me on my path to be a producer.

Now that I'm an AP, I'm hoping to train quickly and should be producing a show on my own here and there soon. Even though I'm not officially a producer, I can still pick up the skills I need to be one.

So, my conclusion- don't worry about your job title. Use the resources (either physical/technological or the people) around you to learn what you need to get where you want to go. Sometimes, getting into the position you want is more about your drive and being in the right place than having the correct job description.